The One who wrapped the stars in darkness was now wrapped in swaddling clothes.
The One who clothed the Lilies of the Valley in glory was now cloaked in a body with no comeliness about Him.
The One who gave place to the stars in the heavens and created the expanse of the universe was now placed in the lowliest of mangers.
The One who ordered the sun and moon to govern the day and the night was now ordered to obey the laws of man and nature itself ... Read More
God of light shined forth His marvelous presence, but sinful souls hid in their transgressions. The glorious light looked upon the souls in need and saw each soul full of blasphemy. The light dug down to the core of defiant man, but only found insolence in his every plan. The light transgressed dark’s deep domain and offended dark’s deep desire to remain the same. Light called out to the darkened ... Read More
The LORD set the sun in its tabernacle: a fixed foundation, an untouchable and unapproachable place, positioned so that all life on earth benefits from its distant setting. Yet, no being can touch its presence or draw close to its magnificence; the living rely on its presence each day while giving its value little regard, nor does man ponder on his own fragility before the sun’s glorious blaze ... Read More
And though He was crucified and killed like a beast, He without sin was the King; He overcame death and even the devil, thus securing freedom for those who would follow.
And though He was greatly despised by men, He left them with a welcome to come unto Him.
And though His hands were nailed and pierced with great spite, He extended those hands to man with His great might ... Read More
Who is the Lord of glory who watches over me?
Who is this God Almighty who heard a man like me?
Who is this God of light who knew my darkened plight?
Who is this God of grace who cast His love upon my hidden face?
He is the Lord of mercy and He is the God of truth;
He is the One called Holy and Just, proven to be Faithful and True ... Read More
The grace of God that changes lives…is the grace of God from Jesus Christ
The grace of God in Jesus Christ…is the grace of God that changed my life
The grace of God that set me free…is the grace of God from Calvary’s tree
I’m free! I’m free! Oh Yes, I’m Truly free
The grace of God that set me free…is the grace of God that stirred faith in me
The grace of God that set me free…is the grace that came alive in me ... Read More
Darkness lurks near my heart and looms about my mind.
I grope about as though blind, able to see yet without sight. Guidance whispers to me, “this way” and then “that way”; I hear: “up, down, left, right, back, forward, stop, go, rest, work, sleep, arise, move onward, fall back, go forward.” Then I say,
“Why bother?” I know not what to do ... Read More
“Where are you headed, O soul?” To gain the glory of God, my friend! “Where does
this path begin?” Always in the manger, my friend, because there is no room in the
inn! “Is it an easy road, O soul?” My friend, it is easy when I say, “Not my will Father,
but Yours!” “Why does it seem so difficult, O soul?” ... Read More