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Why I Sponsor KQI
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Lauren Cote (New Hampshire)

I give financially to Kingdom Quest International because the teachings, the preachings, and the books that have come forth from Dr. Cote’s ministry have brought me to the Truth of Jesus Christ…the Truth that completely changed my life. 
In 2013, I was a lost, lonely, sick woman. I had squandered years, relationships, money, and my soul to the bottle. I came to New Hampshire to start a new life and find answers. The Holy Spirit orchestrated me meeting Dr. Cote. Getting to know this faithful man of God, witnessing his “yes” to Christ, listening to his teachings, hearing his messages that brought understanding to the Bible, and doing his Ruth Bible study workbook, I found the answers I had been searching for my whole life. 
I realized I was bound by sin that went far deeper than the bottle, which was only a symptom. Through Dr. Cote’s materials and discipleship, the Lord showed me how “cut off” I really was to Christ. The Lord showed me my fear, anxieties and insecurities that I covered up with pride and ego. He showed me how my heart was calloused and full of myself. He showed me my deep issues with control. And yet in His great mercy, the Lord invited me to repent, to give my heart to Him, to be free of these entanglements, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit instead. 
On the floor of a sober living facility in 2013, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, and He has been transforming it ever since. The Lord continues to use Dr. Cote’s messages to bring forth maturity and growth, showing me my fleshly weaknesses and teaching me to walk in the Spirit instead, teaching me to more like Christ. I have gained love, peace, joy, purpose and confidence that the bottle never brought me, that I could never attain myself. My life is transformed, and I now have a church, a godly husband, a home, a career, and a baby on the way--  whom I will teach the same Truth of Jesus Christ that Dr. Cote taught me.
I fully support Dr. Cote and Kingdom Quest International with the prayer that more lives are touched, more hearts are won for Christ, and more souls are set free in Jesus’ name. There is no more worthy cause. 

April 5, 2020

Luke Underwood (New Hampshire)

There are few ministries to be found nowadays, if not in every generation, to which one may give with the full trust of a clean conscience, to know that the name of the Lord will be magnified with sincerity in all truth, love, and holiness. I am very thankful for having witnessed firsthand that KQI has been established upon the truth of Jesus Christ and the power of the cross that changes lives; where its ministers have purposed in their hearts to do all in love and humility for the edification of the body of Christ.

Through the solid books and many teachings, I have been taught well of the life-giving truth as it is in Jesus, having matured to understand true freedom and righteousness. Whether that truth seems harsh or unkind, or whether it be rich in sweetness, it is yet always full of grace and leads one to the pure joy of being made upright before God, finding peace in the beauty of holiness. And it is my desire that others would likewise discover the value of such an investment to stir up their new life.

I have grown up under the instruction of Dr. Gary Cote for over a decade, and never have I seen a lack of zeal, faithfulness, or steadfastness in this man of God, regardless of time or place. He has continually been an example of walking in step with the Holy Spirit; and I have thus been able to learn much about the character and conduct of the Holy Spirit. It was through this man and ministry that I have learned what faith actually looks like. His teachings unpack the faith found in the Scriptures, carefully noting the persons and highlighting the situations that have been preserved for our own growth and admonition; that one may discern in wisdom what is of faith, and what is not of faith. These resources will encourage and equip any man or woman of God to live victoriously in Christ.

I rejoice in the opportunity to give to such an honorable ministry, and to have the privilege of aligning myself with the fruit that is being brought forth. As Dr. Gary Cote says, “Church is serious business;” and I am truly encouraged to know that I can partake in giving to that which the Lord looks favorably upon. May the Lord continue to pour out His blessing; and unto His name alone be the glory. Praise the Lord!

May 31, 2019

Romona Paul (United Kingdom)

I am from the UK, and this is the only ministry outside my local body where I felt the scriptures came alive at a very traumatic time in my Christian work. Dr Cote’s teachings gave me the strength to overcome and to hope, trust in the sovereignty of Almighty God! The revelation came when I listened to the teachings on the Holy Spirit. It brought me to my knees in worship. Many messages from Dr. Cote, I came out wanting to go higher in the Lord🙏🏾
It is a blessing to help support those who are truly preaching the Gospel! This ministry is definitely Christ-centered!

May 22, 2019

Patrick Massicotte (New Hampshire)

"Truly, the ministry of KQI and Dr. Gary Cote is founded on people rightly coming to know and encounter the love of God to bring them into the eternal hope of having Jesus the Savior abiding within them, and how to live a victorious life empowered by the Holy Spirit.  With all of that, an understanding is required of who God is, and who He is not.  The love of God is not something that we as people are born into having an understanding of since we live in a broken world; so, correct teaching is needed in order for a believer of Christ to truly gain the mind of Christ and become a disciple that is profitable to the Kingdom of God.
I can remember the skewed view I once had on who God was since I did not rightly know Him, nor had I actually had an encounter with Him.  Once I began hearing the truth of who God is through the teachings of KQI, I came to a place of decision: Shall I hold onto my own convictions on what I thought was right in my own eyes?  Or, will I surrender my own version of the truth for what has been declared to me by the Holy Spirit as the actual truth, which was also confirmed through the evident fruit in Dr. Cote’s life, and the lives of those who believe?  It was not until I surrendered my own beliefs for the truth that change started to occur in my own life.  The Lord has changed me from once being bound by my own timidity, fear, and envious heart.  He has delivered me from being paralyzed to speak and be seen, and He has also set me free from a prideful heart that would avoid correction and learning just to preserve a false image of myself.  He has cut me away from that which was old and has grafted me into the True Vine of Jesus Christ where I can abide in His love and where He abides in me!  This is what He has for all those who will believe!  Dr. Cote has taught me that I can put my trust into the promises of God because He is always faithful to His word.  Being taught humility and rightly seeing the convict that I am without the love of My Savior has been foundational in receiving the victorious life I have been given, and continue to be given, until I see Him on that great and glorious day when He returns for His own special people – the people of faith who “Believe God!”  
I am so very thankful for Dr. Cote having been my pastor and for seeing his example of what the love of God truly is.  For anyone who desires to know the truth of what this world is actually all about, the teachings of the Holy Spirit through Dr. Cote are the place to begin and invest time in.  For anyone who desires to be set free from their old life and the bonds of death and brought into NEW life with the Father in heaven for all eternity, Jesus is the answer; and you can learn of Him through the fruitful teachings of KQI! This ministry is absolutely worth investing in to see the miracle of God at work in creating new hearts worldwide.  I am one of many who have received that very gift."

Tammie Massicotte (New Hampshire)

Firstly, I want to say thank you to Pastor Gary Cote for teaching me the truth of who Jesus is and always encouraging me to know this Great God we serve! My husband and I sponsor this ministry because we know Pastor Cote doesn't teach these Truths about the Lord because of what he merely read somewhere in a book. Throughout his life he has lived the very messages he teaches. His life bears witness to the Holy Spirits work in a man and he has so lovingly taught us to walk the same way of the Cross through Jesus Christ in both example and teaching. Through years of study, stepping, and allowing the Love of God to have its perfect work in his heart, Pastor Cote has been able to bring forth these books, messages, and teachings to lead the believer fully towards the Truth about Jesus. I am excited to see what is to come! Likewise, the work in the Churches in Nairobi and Uganda have shown true fruit. Amazed to see the work of the Lord furthering the Kingdom of God in the lives of so many. So very blessed to be able to share in this! 

Joel Marshall (New Hampshire)

I've been a Christian for most of my life, but until I met Dr. Cote I didn't realize how narrow, inaccurate, and short-sighted my beliefs were on the Kingdom of God. Dr. Cote is truly filled with the Holy Spirit and has devoted his life to proclaiming truth and developing dedicated disciples of Christ. The online sermons and teachings on the Holy Spirit, as well as the books and articles written by Dr. Cote, are filled with life changing truths straight from the heart of God. Through the ministry of Dr. Cote and Kingdom Quest International, my life and my family's life have been forever changed.  Because of the love and guidance of Dr. Cote, my new life in Christ Jesus is one founded on the love of God which has delivered me and will continue to deliver me from bondage, fears, and ignorance. I am forever grateful for the service of Dr. Cote for the Kingdom of God. The joy and the confidence that results from living a new life founded on the love of God and wanting to see the same for others around the world is why I choose to sponsor Dr. Cote and Kingdom Quest International. 

Julie Marshall (New Hampshire)

I have known Dr. Cote for over 13 years and have benefited much from his teachings, online access to articles and messages as well as the many books he has written.  Dr. Cote is a man of great faith and truly is filled with the Holy Spirit. He desires for all to come to an understanding of Faith and lives a life which demonstrates his heart for the Lord. I can testify that his 'YES' to the Kingdom of God through studies, teachings and writings has changed my life, my marriage, my children and within every area of my heart.  Truly, there is a passion in me to seek truth and a desire for others to hear.  I know these teachings and this man are led by the Holy Spirit for truly my life and my family are testimonies of it!  Thank you Dr. Cote and I pray you continue in His service in all you do so that many more will know the truth, here in the United States but also across the world!

Katie Cote (New Hampshire)

About 18 years ago I listened to Dr. Cote speak of a ministry called Kingdom Quest International that was being birthed in his heart. This would be an online ministry where his sermons could go out to those across the world, who desired the truthfulness of the Word of God.  It was not until years later that I realized how valuable this ministry would be for my own life.

KQI became instrumental for me in 2013 when I began listening to the Holy Spirit classes. I spent months listening, taking notes, and applying these teachings to my life. Prior to this, I had little to no understanding on the Holy Spirit or the spirit world, nor did I know much of the character of God. I can say that it was during this time that the Holy Spirit got a hold of my heart and began to teach  me and open my eyes to who He is! I have been forever changed because of this specific time and these priceless teachings.

In recent years, the books and teachings from KQI have gained the attention of people across the world. This was the vision for KQI so many years ago.  In this, ministries have been birthed in Africa, that have touched many men, women, and children that could not have otherwise been touched. The online capability has taken one man's teachings and propelled them across the world, into the hearts of those who so desire Holy Spirit truth. Just amazing!! 

My life is continually touched by this online ministry on a daily basis, as I listen to past sermons often. Recalling and bringing back to mind a message from a Sunday morning sermon is crucial in maturing in the Lord and I am grateful for the clarity and understanding that I gain here.

There are many things we can support in this world; my hearts desire is to support and invest in that which has eternal value, where lives are changed and eternity is decided. KQI is a place where this has happened for me, and so many others.

In all of this, I have realized how important it is to support KQI. I found that KQI supports me in my walk with the Lord, and I desired to give to such an important ministry.  In the same way, KQI invests in my new life in the Lord, and so I desire to invest in KQI. 

In supporting KQI I not only invest in my new life, but also in the lives of anyone I talk to, and who ever hears these same messages, here and abroad. Investing here insures the opportunity for others who desire solid teaching to hear and be taught. I am grateful for the time and effort over all these years that have been put into making this online ministry available. And I look forward to the continual fruit that will come forth across the world because of a God breathed vision in Dr. Cote's heart years ago!!


Peter Preston (New Hampshire)

In these last days when deception abounds, as our Lord told us it would, there is a great need for people to be discipled in scriptural truth.  There are many on the church landscape who claim to be Apostles and Prophets but sadly these titles are often just self-promoting (Rev. 2:2).  Having pastored a church myself for 20 years but having sat under the ministry Dr./Pastor Gary Cote the last several years I can say without a doubt that he is a man who is truly prophetically and even apostolically gifted to boldly proclaim strong words of scriptural truth, in a time when the truth is unpopular and so much of ministry has become man-centric.  A primary purpose of this ministry is to bring people out of their old ways that lead to death into the NEW in Christ, leading to LIFE!!!  Pastor Cote has been uniquely gifted and prepared by the Holy Spirit, called out of a highly successful and lucrative career in the business/finance world, to leave the God of mammon and money behind, and bring people into the true riches of the Kingdom!!!  I can personally attest that his motives and conduct are pure and without covetousness.   My own life has been greatly impacted and changed by this ministry.  There is zero ambition in this ministry for financial or personal gain, rather that true disciples would be made in all nations, with a calling to Africa in particular.  There is a great need for a ministry that is not there to fleece the flock but to feed the flock with pure, unadulterated, life altering truth.  I know when I give to this ministry on an ongoing basis, that the money is being invested wisely in making true Christ following disciples!!!  What more could I ask for?  So, I do invest on a regular, ongoing basis.  When Christ returns and asks for an accounting of what I have done with His resources I will be glad for having invested regularly in KQI!  I heartily encourage any and all others to do the same! 

Sarah Elizabeth (Virginia)

There are so many reasons to support the ministry of Kingdom Quest International.

The kids in Africa praising the Lord for their Sunday peanut butter sandwiches. 

The woman who gathers her friends into her home to have a worship service, blessing the Lord for her baptism and salvation.

The faithful Pastor Safari, who has chosen the ministry of Christ over a life of comfort and wealth, who is willing to travel to homes, families, and countries who desire the salvation of the Lord.

The youth who beg for a service of their own, to learn more about Jesus and what He has for their lives.

The ministers in Pakistan who gather to listen to the teachings put forth by KQI in order to further the gospel in their country.

There are those in this world who are hungry for the Gospel of Christ, thirsty for the Living Water that is Jesus, desirous of His Truth in their lives. They find what they are seeking in the truth of the ministry of Kingdom Quest International.

How could I not support KQI? I'm thankful and grateful to be able to do so.

Stephen Raper (New Hampshire)

I sponsor Dr. Cote and Kingdom Quest International because of the unwavering pursuit and proclamation of the Lord's love from this ministry.   KQI is founded on the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and is bringing the Lord’s light to all who wish to see.    Dr. Cote is truly anointed by the Holy Spirit, and this is demonstrated in the vast library of video’s and printed materials that KQI provides for the edification of the body.  I bear witness to this truth as I am a product of this ministry, as I once was dead, but now I live.  Anyone who wants a changed life can find it here.   I would encourage anyone to devote themselves here, and pursue the truth of the Lord, in faithfulness and humility.  The product will be a life freed from the old and established in the new. 

Thank you Dr. Cote and KQI

Katharyn Raper (New Hampshire)

I choose to support Dr Cote and KQI ministries because through Dr Cote and by his Holy Spirit anointed teachings, I have come to know the Truth and the Truth has set me free!  This would not be so if Dr Cote, my Pastor, had not faithfully and boldly and lovingly preached, taught, admonished, encouraged, corrected, and courageously loved me over the past 13 years.  My old ways of thinking, behaving, and my selfish, fleshly idea of what love is, was exposed to my eyes by the powerful, Holy Spirit anointed truths taught by Dr. Cote and, by the way of the cross, a new woman in Christ has come forth and a freedom I have never known before. I have a great desire to see others experience this amazing freedom and a great excitement to see others overcome and break free.  My life is forever changed and my eyes are opened and fixed on Jesus and I am forever grateful. There is such a great need for chains to be broken and lives to be set free by the Love of God and I am seeing this happen before my very eyes as I see the work and teachings of Dr Cote and KQI ministries touch hearts and lives for the glory of God!  “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. “

Lisa Calabro (New Hampshire)

I choose to invest in the ministry of KQI because it is founded on the Truth of Jesus Christ and His holy word. Dr. Gary Cote is a voice for Truth in a time that it is so desperately lacking and yet so desperately needed. My life was drastically changed as I listened to, heeded and applied the Truth of God's word spoken by Dr. Cote for the last 13 years. Every sermon, teaching and book that he brings forth opens my eyes to who Christ is and equips me to live a victorious faith filled life ; not just for my freedom but for those around me who also need to be FREE! I am thankful for Dr. Gary Cote and this ministry and for his faithful and fruitful voice that is declaring the word of the Lord with out excuse. May the Lord continue to use this man of God and this ministry to declare truth to whoever has ears to hear. Thank you Dr.Cote for loving the Truth and living the Truth and teaching me to do the same.

Jennifer Smith (New Hampshire)

I choose to support Dr. Cote and the ministry of KQI because each and every Biblically sound teaching powerfully confronts and exposes the old man and his way of thinking, speaking, choosing and living.  It is this voice of TRUTH that is missing in churches today; not just here in America, but throughout the world. My life, my family's lives and countless others, have come to find tremendous freedom from wayward thoughts, skewed theology, and just plain ignorance on the understanding of Who is the Holy Spirit? The Church, as a whole, is in desperate need for TRUTH, and Dr. Cote is an anointed man appointed by the Holy Spirit to be that voice for this generation and for the generations to come. Too many Christians claim to KNOW God, yet their life clearly reveals that they simple know OF God.  Dr. Cote and the ministry of KQI continues to hold fast to his purpose as stated on his website.  "Igniting the passion; Instructing the person"  I am one of those who have been ignited and instructed, and continues to do so with each teaching I give myself to. The finances invested in this ministry are done with all joy, seen as a privilege and deep honor to be part of moving the kingdom of God life at a time. To God be all the glory!

Adam J. Cote, Pastor (New Hampshire)

I support and sponsor Dr. Cote and the ministries of Kingdom Quest International because of the invaluable truth, encouragement, admonition, and love that my family and I have received from this ministry over the past nine years. The sermons are directly from the mouth of the Lord, the teachings on the Holy Spirit are life-changing, and his books have formed my heart, mind, and soul to see things accurately in the Spirit. This ministry is WORTH the investment of a family's finances on a regular basis; to allow Dr. Cote the financial liberty to devote all of his time and resources into this ministry has changed my life, my family's lives, and the many church families that have heard and heeded this prophet and spokesman of the Lord. Truly blessed by Dr. Gary Cote and KQI.

Lesly Barnes (Pennsylvania)

I support KQI because it is one of the few ministries that still speaks the WHOLE truth found in the Gospel. This ministry addresses the beauty, grace, love and forgiveness found in the Gospel message, as well as sin issues that separate us from knowing the Lord deeper. It does so in a no nonsense way that leads the reader down a path of self-reflection and straight to clear truth found in the Bible.  I believe we are living in a time where there is truly a famine of the pure Word of God being taught. The KQI  newsletter is nourishing to the soul hungry for truth...It is a blessing to help support those who are truly preaching the Gospel!

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